When I got back on the air I somehow managed to make radio contacts with 102 countries with 35 watts and a wire dipole. I earned a DXCC certificate for 10 meters. It was hard to imagine I had joined the ARRL DX Century Club after thirty some years as a ham.
Along came solar cycle 25, another rig, better antenna and more DXCC certificates, WAS and WPX awards. Recently, I qualified for the DXCC Challenge!
Currently, my On Air time is mostly split between 10m and 6m, taking full advantage of recent band conditions. I have logged contacts with 253 countries and received confirmation from 238 overall.
Of nearly 12,000 QSOs in last few years, more than half are acknowledged with no stamps or IRCs. All the accredited K7LOL QSLs are through Logbook of The World. I am a fan of LoTW as the service has saved me hundreds of dollars in postage. Plus no manual card checking needed, all automatic. Highly recommended!
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