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WB9VMW   Early Ham Radio Days

Here is picture of my cat enjoying the warmth of a pair of 6JB6 electron tubes. No website is complete without a cat picture.

K7LOL in the shack

My interest in radio and electronics began with a crystal radio kit built when I was in grade school.

start of a 42 year career

Thanks to my uncle Ray for providing the spark.

A progression through the CB days and shop classes eventually lead to my first amateur radio ticket.

K7LOL in the shack

I joined the WB9NXM Carl Sandburg High School Amateur Radio Club around the nation's bicentennial. I'm the slickster in the leisure suit. While in the radio club I achieved an Advanced class ham ticket and also earned my Commercial Radiotelephone Operator's license. Many thanks to K9MT.

While in college I enjoyed the company of some seasoned operators and the Collins S Line at the Synton Amateur Radio Club at U of I in central Illinois and shared some 807s with the friendly folks at W9YH.


How I retired in Phoenix (elevator edit)

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